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  1. ! and#h>use sparingly to begin a sentence\
  2. *est possible extent#l>use "completely," "fully," or "totally"
  3. *s apparent that#l>use "apparently"\
  4. *s clear that#l>use "clearly"\
  5. *s evident that#l>use "evidently"\
  6. . and#h>use sparingly to begin a sentence\
  7. . as yet#h>use sparingly to begin a sentence
  8. ? and#h>use sparingly to begin a sentence\
  9. a crying shame#h>use "unfortunate" or "tragic"
  10. a different breed#h>different
  11. a far cry#h>far
  12. a foregone conclusion#o>inevitable
  13. a great deal of#l>much\
  14. a half a#i>half a\
  15. a half an#i>half an\
  16. a majority of the#l>use "most"
  17. a matter of life and death#h>use "important" or "urgent"
  18. a number of#l>use "most," "many," "several," "some," or "few"\
  19. a percentage of#l>use "many," "some," or "few," or specify the percentage
  20. a preference for#l>use "prefer"\
  21. a proportion of#l>use "many," "some," or "few," or specify the percentage
  22. a sufficient number of#l>enough\
  23. absolutely complete#r>complete
  24. absolutely essential#r>essential
  25. accompanying#o>use "enclosed" for letters\
  26. activate#o>"begin" or "start"
  27. activated#o>"began" or "begun," or "started"
  28. activates#o>"begins" or "starts"
  29. activating#o>"beginning" or "starting"
  30. active consideration#l>consideration
  31. actual experience#r>experience
  32. actual fact#r>fact
  33. actual facts#r>facts
  34. actually#v>use this word sparingly\
  35. add* the point that#l>omit "the point"
  36. adequate enough#r>adequate
  37. adumbrate#o>"outline" or "sketch"
  38. adumbrated#o>"outlined" or "sketched"
  39. adumbrates#o>"outlines" or "sketches"
  40. adumbrating#o>"outlining" or "sketching"
  41. advert#m>this (pompously) means "allude"; "avert" means "prevent"
  42. adverted#m>this (pompously) means "alluded"; "averted" means "prevented"
  43. adverting#m>this (pompously) means "alluding"; "averting" is "preventing"
  44. adverts#m>this (pompously) means "alludes"; "averts" means "prevents"
  45. affect#m>this (verb) means "influence"; "effect" means "bring about"
  46. affects#m>this (verb) means "influences"; "effects" is "brings about"
  47. affirmative#j>avoid using this word as a substitute for "yes"
  48. afford* an opportunity#o>use "allow" or "permit"
  49. afoul#a>avoid this word, especially in the cliche "run afoul of"
  50. after#9
  51. after all has been said and done#h>after all\
  52. after this is accomplished#o>then\
  53. against#9
  54. aggravate#m>this means "make worse," not "irritate"\
  55. aggravated#m>this means "made worse," not "irritated"\
  56. aggravates#m>this means "makes worse," not "irritates"\
  57. aggravating#m>this means "making worse," not "irritating"\
  58. aggregates#o>totals\
  59. alibi#m>use "excuse" unless you mean the legal term\
  60. all along the line#h>entirely
  61. all of#l>all\
  62. all ready#m>this means "prepared"; "already" means "by now"
  63. all throughout#r>throughout
  64. all together#m>this means "in a group"; "altogether" means "entirely"
  65. all too soon#h>too soon
  66. allude#m>this means "refer indirectly"; "elude" is "avoid" or "escape"
  67. alluded#m>this means "referred indirectly"; "eluded" means "escaped"
  68. alludes#m>this means "refers indirectly"; "eludes" means "escapes"
  69. alluding#m>this means "referring indirectly"; "eluding" means "escaping"
  70. allusion#m>this is an indirect reference; an illusion is a misperception
  71. allusions#m>these are indirect references; illusions are misperceptions
  72. along#9
  73. along the line of#h>like
  74. along the same line as#h>like
  75. along these lines#h>use "like" or "similarly"
  76. alternate#m>"alternative" is or affords a choice; "alternate" doesn't
  77. altogether#m>this means "entirely"; "all together" means "in a group"
  78. am *d#w
  79. am *d#8
  80. am not *d#w
  81. am not *d#8
  82. ameliorate#o>improve
  83. ameliorated#o>improved
  84. ameliorates#o>improves
  85. ameliorating#o>improving
  86. amelioration#o>improvement
  87. among#9
  88. among those present#o>present\
  89. and etc.#r>etc.
  90. and myself#u>use "and I" (as subject) or "and me" (as object)
  91. and/or#k>this term is graceless and overused\
  92. another additional#r>another
  93. any and all#h>"any" or "all"
  94. any body#m>use "anybody" if you mean "any person"
  95. any one#m>use "anyone" if you mean "any single person"
  96. apprise#o>inform
  97. apprised#o>informed
  98. apprises#o>informs
  99. apprising#o>informing
  100. approximately#m>this means "almost exactly," not "roughly"
  101. are *d#w
  102. are *d#8
  103. are indicative of#o>"show" or "suggest"
  104. are not *d#w
  105. are not *d#8
  106. are suggestive of#o>"suggest" or "imply"
  107. are used to provide#l>provide
  108. aren't *d#w
  109. aren't *d#8
  110. arriv* at a decision#o>use "decide"
  111. arriv* at an approximation#l>use "approximate"
  112. as * be seen from#l>use the active voice (e.g., "show")\
  113. as a consequence of#o>because
  114. as a matter of fact#h>omit, or use "in fact"\
  115. as a method of#l>use "for" or "to"\
  116. as against#l>against
  117. as follow#u>"as follows" is correct even if more than one follow
  118. as is the case#h>use "as happens" or "as occurs"
  119. as of now#o>now
  120. as of this date#j>today
  121. as per#k>"as instructed by" or "as noted in"
  122. as regards#o>"about" or "concerning"
  123. as shown in#l>use the active voice (e.g., "show that")\
  124. as the saying goes#h>omit this phrase\
  125. as to#h>"about," "on," or "of"; "whether" replaces "as to whether"\
  126. as was the case#h>as happened
  127. as well as#l>use sparingly, or use "and" or "also" if that's what you mean\
  128. as yet#l>yet
  129. asap#h>Be specific.\
  130. assist#o>help\
  131. assistance#o>help\
  132. assisted#o>helped\
  133. assisting#o>helping\
  134. assists#o>helps\
  135. assuming that#l>if\
  136. at#9
  137. at a later date#j>use "later" or give the date
  138. at a time when#l>when
  139. at all times#l>always\
  140. at an earlier date#j>"sooner" or "earlier"
  141. at an early date#j>"soon" or "early"
  142. at long last#h>at last
  143. at present#o>"now" is shorter and less obtrusive if repeated\
  144. at that point in time#o>then
  145. at the crack of dawn#h>early
  146. at the present moment#l>"now" or even "at the moment"
  147. at the same time#l>use "also," if that's what you mean\
  148. at the time when#l>when
  149. at this moment in time#o>now
  150. at this point in time#o>now
  151. at this time#l>now\
  152. at which time#l>when
  153. at your earliest convenience#j>use "soon" or "when you can"
  154. attributable to#o>due to\
  155. awfully#v>use "very," or omit\
  156. band-aid#t>"adhesive bandage"\
  157. band-aids#t>adhesive bandages"\
  158. bare essentials#r>essentials
  159. basic fundamentals#r>fundamentals
  160. basically#v>omit this word - it adds little\
  161. be *d#w
  162. be *d#8
  163. be sure and#i>be sure to\
  164. beat a hasty retreat#h>use "retreat" or "retreated"
  165. been *d#w
  166. been *d#8
  167. behind#9
  168. being *d#w
  169. being *d#8
  170. being as#u>use "as," "because," or "since"
  171. being that#u>use "as," "because," or "since"\
  172. beside#9
  173. between#9
  174. bimonthly#m>this means "every two months," not "twice a month"\
  175. biweekly#m>this means "every two weeks," not "twice a week"\
  176. brief in duration#r>"brief," "quick," or "fast"
  177. bright and early#h>early
  178. bring to a conclusion#o>"conclude," "end," or "finish"
  179. broad daylight#h>daylight
  180. brute force#h>force
  181. burn* the midnight oil#h>use "study"
  182. burning question#h>"question" or "important question"
  183. busy as a#h>use "busy" or "very busy"
  184. by#9
  185. by means of#l>by\
  186. by the same token#h>"similarly" or "furthermore"
  187. by the use of#l>by
  188. came to an end#l>"ended," "finished," or "concluded"\
  189. can not#s>cannot
  190. can't * nor#u>replace "can't" with "can neither"
  191. cannot * nor#u>replace "cannot" with "can neither"
  192. carr* out * experiment#l>use "experiment" as a verb\
  193. carr* out * experiments#l>use "experiment" as a verb\
  194. ceiling#h>use "maximum" or "limit" unless you are talking about a room\
  195. center portion#l>center
  196. center* around#u>use "center on" (a center can't surround anything)
  197. certainly#h>use sparingly for emphasis\
  198. check* on#l>omit "on"\
  199. check* up on#l>omit "up on"\
  200. circl* around#r>omit "around"\
  201. clear as crystal#h>clear
  202. clearly#h>use sparingly if you mean "obviously" or "decidedly"\
  203. close to the point of#h>close to
  204. coca-cola#t>cola (generic)\
  205. cognizant#o>aware
  206. cohort#m>this is a group (e.g., of soldiers), not a follower or ally
  207. coke#t>cola (generic)\
  208. collaborat* together#r>omit "together"
  209. combin* together#r>omit "together"
  210. come* to an end#h>use "end," "finish," or "conclude"\
  211. coming to an end#l>"ending," "finishing," or "concluding"\
  212. common accord#r>accord
  213. compar* against#u>use "compare with"
  214. compar* to#m>this shows resemblances; "compare with" reveals differences\
  215. compar* with#m>this reveals differences; "compare to" shows similarities\
  216. comparatively#m>avoid this adverb except in actual comparisons\
  217. complementary#m>this means completing; "complimentary" is flattering or free
  218. completely eliminated#r>eliminated
  219. completely full#r>full
  220. complimentary#m>this means flattering or free; "complementary" is completing
  221. component parts#r>parts
  222. concept#h>idea\
  223. concepts#h>ideas\
  224. concerning#o>about\
  225. conduct* an investigation#l>use "investigate"
  226. connect* together#r>omit "together"\
  227. connect* up#r>omit "up"\
  228. consensus of opinion#r>consensus
  229. consequent result#r>result
  230. consequent results#r>results
  231. consequently#o>"so," "thus," or even "as a result"\
  232. consign* to oblivion#o>use "forget"
  233. consolidat* together#r>omit "together"
  234. conspicuous by * absence#h>"missing" or "absent"
  235. contacted#o>"met," or "saw" or "seen"\
  236. contacting#o>"meeting" or "seeing"\
  237. continu* on#r>omit "on"\
  238. continu* to remain#r>use "continue" or "remain"
  239. continual#m>this is "at short intervals"; "continuous" is "uninterrupted"
  240. continuous#m>this is "uninterrupted"; "continual" is "at short intervals"
  241. cope* if#i>"cope" should be followed by "with"\
  242. cope* well#i>"cope" should be followed by "with"\
  243. cope*,#i>"cope" should be followed by "with"\
  244. cope*.#i>"cope" should be followed by "with"\
  245. cope*?#i>"cope" should be followed by "with"\
  246. coping if#i>"cope" should be followed by "with"\
  247. coping well#i>"cope" should be followed by "with"\
  248. coping,#i>"cope" should be followed by "with"\
  249. coping.#i>"cope" should be followed by "with"\
  250. coping?#i>"cope" should be followed by "with"\
  251. could of#u>could have
  252. criteria is#u>"criterion is" or "criteria are"
  253. crying need#h>"great need" or "need"
  254. currently#o>use "now" or "at present" (but not "presently")\
  255. dead as a doornail#h>dead
  256. decid* on#l>use "decide" or "decide to"\
  257. decimate#m>preferred meaning is "destroy 1/10 of," not "destroy most of"\
  258. decimated#m>prefer meaning "destroyed 1/10 of," not "destroyed most of"\
  259. decimating#m>prefer meaning "destroying 1/10 of," not "destroying most of"\
  260. definitely#v>avoid this word: it adds little\
  261. demonstrate#o>"show" or "prove"\
  262. demonstrated#o>"showed" or "shown," or "proved"\
  263. demonstrates#o>"shows" or "proves"\
  264. demonstrating#o>"showing" or "proving"\
  265. depreciat* in value#r>omit "in value"\
  266. deserving of#l>use the active voice (e.g., "deserve")
  267. desirous of#o>use "want" or "desire"
  268. devoid of#l>without
  269. dichotomy#h>use this word sparingly
  270. different than#u>"different from," "other than," or "unlike"\
  271. discontinue#o>"stop," "end," or "cease"\
  272. discontinued#o>"stopped," "ended," or "ceased"\
  273. discontinues#o>"stops," "ends," or "ceases"\
  274. discontinuing#o>"stopping," "ending," or "ceasing"\
  275. discreet#m>this means "tactful" or "prudent"; "discrete" is "distinct"
  276. discrete#m>this means "distinct"; "discreet" is "tactful" or "prudent"
  277. disinterested#m>this means "impartial"; "uninterested" means "not interested"\
  278. disutility#n>uselessness
  279. divid* up#r>omit "up"\
  280. doubt* but#l>omit "but"
  281. down to earth#h>"practical," "modest," or "unpretentious"
  282. down-to-earth#h>"practical," "modest," or "unpretentious"
  283. due to#m>this means "attributable to," not "through" or "because of"\
  284. duly noted#h>noted
  285. during#9
  286. during the course of time#h>use "in time" or "during the time," or omit
  287. during the time that#l>"while" or "when"\
  288. each and every#r>"each" or "every"\
  289. each others#s>each other's
  290. each separate#r>use "each" or "separate"
  291. early beginnings#r>beginnings
  292. effected#m>this means "brought about"; "affected" means "influenced"
  293. effecting#m>this means "bringing about"; "affecting" means "influencing"
  294. effectiveness#h>use "success"\
  295. effectuate#o>cause
  296. effectuated#o>caused
  297. effectuates#o>causes
  298. effectuating#o>causing
  299. elucidate#o>explain
  300. elucidated#o>explained
  301. elucidates#o>explains
  302. elucidating#o>explaining
  303. elude#m>this is "avoid" or "escape"; "allude" is "refer indirectly"
  304. eluded#m>this means "escaped"; "alluded" means "referred indirectly"
  305. eludes#m>this means "escapes"; "alludes" means "refers indirectly"
  306. eluding#m>this means "escaping"; "alluding" is "referring indirectly"
  307. eminently successful#o>successful
  308. emotional feelings#r>"emotions" or "feelings"
  309. empt* out#r>omit "out"\
  310. enclosed herein#r>enclosed
  311. enclosed herewith#r>enclosed
  312. end result#r>result
  313. end results#r>results
  314. endeavor#o>"try," "attempt," or "strive" (verb), or "attempt" (noun)\
  315. endeavored#o>"tried" or "attempted"
  316. endeavoring#o>"trying," "striving," or "attempting"
  317. endeavors#o>"tries," "attempts," or "strives" (verb); "attempts" (noun)\
  318. engag* in conversation#o>use "speak" or "talk"
  319. enormity#m>this means "wickedness" or "evil," not "bigness"
  320. enter* in#l>omit "in"
  321. entertain* high hopes of#o>use "hope for"
  322. enthuse#u>use "be enthusiastic" or "talk enthusiastically"\
  323. enthused#u>use "was enthusiastic" or "talked enthusiastically"\
  324. epic struggle#h>struggle
  325. equally as good#r>"as good" or "equally good"
  326. erect#o>build\
  327. erected#o>built\
  328. erecting#o>building\
  329. erects#o>builds\
  330. essentially#v>use this word sparingly - it adds little\
  331. eventuate#o>happen
  332. eventuated#o>happened
  333. eventuates#o>happens
  334. eventuating#o>happening
  335. every now and then#h>occasionally\
  336. evince#o>"show" or "display"
  337. evinced#o>"showed" or "shown," or "displayed"
  338. evinces#o>"shows" or "displays"
  339. evincing#o>"showing" or "displaying"
  340. exactly identical#r>identical
  341. exactly the same#r>the same\
  342. exhibit* a tendency to#l>use the active voice (e.g., "tend to")
  343. experienc* difficulty#o>use "have trouble" or "have problems"\
  344. extremely#h>use "very," or omit\
  345. fac* up to#h>omit "up to"
  346. facilitate#o>"ease," "simplify," or "help"
  347. facilitated#o>"eased," "simplified," or "helped"
  348. facilitates#o>"eases," "simplifies," or "helps"
  349. facilitating#o>"easing," "simplifying," or "helping"
  350. fact is#h>Weak. Omit and state the fact.
  351. fact that#h>Weak. Omit and state the fact.
  352. factor#h>"part," "fact," "aspect," or "feature"\
  353. factors#h>"parts," "facts," "aspects," or "features"\
  354. facts and figures#h>"facts" or "figures"\
  355. fair sex#h>women
  356. fairly#v>This is weak. Consider omitting.\
  357. far better#k>much better\
  358. far bigger#k>much bigger\
  359. far faster#k>much faster\
  360. far more#k>more\
  361. far slower#k>much slower\
  362. far smaller#k>much smaller\
  363. far worse#k>much worse\
  364. farther#m>"farther" implies distance; "further" implies time or amount\
  365. fearful of#l>use "fear"
  366. fearful that#l>use "fear"
  367. few and far between#r>few
  368. few in number#r>few
  369. fewer#m>use "fewer" for number, "less" for nonnumerical quantity\
  370. file* away#l>omit "away"\
  371. final outcome#r>outcome
  372. final result#r>result
  373. final results#r>results
  374. final upshot#r>upshot
  375. finalize#o>complete\
  376. finalized#o>completed\
  377. finalizes#o>completes\
  378. finalizing#o>completing\
  379. first and foremost#r>first
  380. first initiate#r>"begin" or "start"
  381. first initiated#r>"began" or "begun," or "started"
  382. first initiates#r>"begins" or "starts"
  383. first initiating#r>"beginning" or "starting"
  384. first of all#l>first\
  385. firstly#u>first
  386. fit as a fiddle#h>"fit" or "healthy"
  387. flammable#j>inflammable\
  388. flaunt#m>this means "display boldly"; "flout" is "mock" or "scoff at"
  389. flaunted#m>this means "displayed boldly"; "flouted" means "mocked"
  390. flaunting#m>this means "displaying boldly"; "flouting" means "mocking"
  391. flaunts#m>this means "displays boldly"; "flouts" means "mocks"
  392. folks#i>"people" or "family"\
  393. follow* after#r>omit "after"
  394. follow* in * footsteps#h>use "follow" only
  395. food for thought#h>use "interesting"
  396. for#9
  397. for a period of#o>for
  398. for the * reason* that#l>use "because" or "since"\
  399. for the purpose of#l>"for" or "to"
  400. for the reason* that#l>"because" or "since"\
  401. for your information#o>omit this phrase
  402. foreseeable future#h>future
  403. fortuitous#m>this means "by chance," not "lucky" or "fortunate"\
  404. fortuitously#m>this means "by chance," not "luckily" or "fortunately"\
  405. frankly#h>use this word sparingly\
  406. frequently#o>often\
  407. from#9
  408. from the standpoint of#h>use "according to," or rewrite to avoid this phrase
  409. full and complete#r>"full," "complete," or "total"
  410. further#m>"further" implies time or amount; "farther" implies distance\
  411. gave an indication of#o>"indicated," or "showed" or "shown"
  412. gave authorization#o>use "allowed" or "authorized"
  413. gave rise to#h>caused\
  414. geared to#h>"adapted to" or "designed to"\
  415. generally agreed#l>agreed\
  416. generous to a fault#h>"too generous" or "generous"
  417. giv* an indication of#o>use "indicate" or "show"
  418. giv* authorization#o>use "allow" or "authorize"
  419. giv* rise to#h>use "cause"\
  420. giv* the green light to#h>use "approve" or "authorize"
  421. good and ready#h>ready
  422. great majority of#o>"most" or "most of"
  423. had a need for#l>"needed" or "required"\
  424. had got to#k>use "had to," if that's what you mean\
  425. had the ability to#l>could
  426. had the capability#o>use "could"
  427. has a need for#l>"needs" or "requires"\
  428. has got to#k>use "must," if that's what you mean\
  429. has the capability#o>use "can" or "is able"
  430. hav* a need for#l>use "need" or "require"\
  431. hav* reference to#o>use "refer to"
  432. hav* the capability#o>use "can"
  433. have got to#k>use "must," if that's what you mean\
  434. head* up#h>omit "up" if "head" is a verb
  435. help* but#l>use "help" (e.g., "can't help being" for "can't help but be")
  436. her just deserts#h>use "what she deserved" or "what she deserves"
  437. his just deserts#h>use "what he deserved" or "what he deserves"
  438. hopeful of#l>use the active voice (e.g., "hope")
  439. hopeful that#l>use the active voice (e.g., "hope")
  440. hopefully#m>this means "in a hopeful manner," not "it is hoped that"\
  441. how ever#s>however (avoid questions that begin "How ever" or "However")
  442. i myself#r>I\
  443. if and when#h>"if" or "when"\
  444. if at all possible#r>if possible\
  445. impacted#u>use as adjective (e.g., "impacted tooth") but not as verb\
  446. impacting#u>avoid using "impact" as a verb\
  447. impacts#u>avoid using "impact" as a verb\
  448. implement#o>"carry out" (verb); "tool" or "device" (noun)\
  449. implementation#j>try "version" or "design"\
  450. implemented#o>carried out
  451. implementing#o>carrying out
  452. implements#o>carries out (verb); tools or devices (noun)\
  453. in#9
  454. in * light of#l>use "because" or "considering," if that's what you mean
  455. in * opinion#l>use the active voice (e.g., "think")\
  456. in a great many cases#l>use "often" or "very often" or "a great many of these"
  457. in a great number of cases#l>use "often" or "very often" or "a great number of these"
  458. in a jiffy#h>"soon" or "very soon"
  459. in a large number of cases#h>use "often" or "very often" or "a large number of these"
  460. in a position to#h>use "can," if that's what you mean
  461. in a satisfactory manner#l>satisfactorily
  462. in a small number of cases#l>use "rarely" or "occasionally" or "a few of these"
  463. in a timely manner#o>"soon" or "at a suitable time"
  464. in accordance with#o>"by" or "in agreement with"
  465. in addition to#l>besides\
  466. in advance of#l>"before" or "earlier than"
  467. in agreement with#l>use the active voice (e.g., "agree with")
  468. in all cases#h>use "always" or "all of these"
  469. in behalf of#o>use "for" by itself or with a verb (e.g., "speaking for")\
  470. in between#l>use "between," if that's what you mean
  471. in case#h>use "if"
  472. in close proximity#r>use "near"
  473. in conflict with#l>use the active voice (e.g., "oppose" or "differ")\
  474. in conjunction with#o>with
  475. in connection with#h>"about" or "concerning"
  476. in excess of#o>more than
  477. in fact#h>use this phrase sparingly\
  478. in general#h>use this phrase sparingly\
  479. in itself#h>use this phrase sparingly
  480. in large measure#o>largely
  481. in many cases#h>use "often" or "many of these" or "sometimes"
  482. in most cases#h>use "mostly" or "usually" or "most of these"
  483. in no case#h>use "never" or "none of these"
  484. in possession of#o>use "have" or "own"
  485. in rare cases#l>use "rarely" or "a few of these"
  486. in reference to#j>"about" or "concerning"\
  487. in regards to#u>"as regards" or "in regard to"
  488. in respect of#l>"respecting" or "concerning"
  489. in respect to#l>"about" or "concerning"
  490. in short supply#h>"scarce" or "rare"
  491. in some cases#h>use "sometimes" or "some of these"
  492. in that case#h>then\
  493. in the absence of#l>use "without," if that"s what you mean
  494. in the afternoon#r>omit if "p.m." is also used
  495. in the aggregate#o>total
  496. in the case of#h>"for," "by," "in," or "if"
  497. in the context of#h>omit this phrase
  498. in the course of#h>use "during" or "while"
  499. in the evening#r>omit if "p.m." is also used
  500. in the event of#o>use "if"
  501. in the field of#h>in\
  502. in the final analysis#h>"finally" or "in sum"
  503. in the interim#o>meanwhile
  504. in the last analysis#h>"finally" or "in sum"
  505. in the matter of#j>"about" or "concerning"
  506. in the morning#r>omit if "a.m." is also used
  507. in the near future#h>soon
  508. in the neighborhood of#h>"about" or "roughly"
  509. in the not too distant future#h>if you mean it, use "soon"; if not, use "in the future"
  510. in the possession of#l>use "have" or "own"
  511. in the proximity of#o>"near," "nearly," or "about"
  512. in the range of#h>"between," "near," or "about"
  513. in the vicinity of#h>"near" or "about"
  514. in the worst way#i>very much
  515. in this case#h>"here" or "then"\
  516. inasmuch as#l>"since," "as," or "because"\
  517. incredible variety#h>variety
  518. incumbent on#o>use "obliged to" or "obligatory"
  519. incumbent upon#o>use "obliged to" or "obligatory"
  520. indeed#v>use this word sparingly\
  521. indicate#o>"show" or "suggest"\
  522. indicated#o>"showed" or "suggested"\
  523. indicates#o>"shows" or "suggests"\
  524. indicating#o>"showing" or "suggesting"\
  525. individuals#o>people
  526. infer#m>this means "deduce"; "imply" means "suggest"
  527. inferred#m>this means "deduced"; "implied" means "suggested"
  528. inferring#m>this means "deducing"; "implying" means "suggesting"
  529. infers#m>this means "deduces"; "implies" means "suggests"
  530. infinite number of#m>use "large number of" or "very many"\
  531. infinitely#m>use "very" or "much," if that's what you mean\
  532. initial occurrence#o>first time
  533. initial step#o>first step
  534. injurious to#o>use the active voice with "harmful" or "damaging"
  535. inquire#o>ask\
  536. inquired#o>asked\
  537. inquires#o>asks\
  538. inquiring#o>use "asking" if it's a verb ("inquiring reporter" is O.K.)\
  539. inside of#l>inside
  540. insightful#h>perceptive
  541. institute* * change#o>use "change" as a verb
  542. instituted#o>"began" or "begun," or "started"
  543. instituting#o>"beginning" or "starting"
  544. intermingl* with#r>use "mingle with"
  545. into#9
  546. involv* the necessity of#k>use "require"
  547. irregardless#u>regardless
  548. is *d#w
  549. is *d#8
  550. is defined as#l>is
  551. is indicative of#o>"shows" or "suggests"
  552. is not *d#w
  553. is not *d#8
  554. is suggestive of#o>suggests
  555. is used to control#l>controls\
  556. is used to provide#l>provides\
  557. is when#m>O.K. for specific time, but not as in "lunch is when I diet"\
  558. is where#m>O.K. for specific place, but not as in "math is where I fail"\
  559. isn't *d#w
  560. isn't *d#8
  561. it goes without saying#h>use "clearly," "evidently," or "obviously," or omit
  562. it is often the case#h>use "often"
  563. it is worth pointing out that#h>use "note that"
  564. it stands to reason#h>use "clearly" or "logically"
  565. it's own#s>its own
  566. its a#s>it's a
  567. its an#s>it's an
  568. its been#s>it's been
  569. its had#s>it's had
  570. its the#s>it's the
  571. join* together#r>omit "together"
  572. joint cooperation#r>cooperation
  573. joint partnership#r>partnership
  574. just exactly#r>"just" or "exactly"
  575. kind of#v>use this to mean "type of," but not "somewhat" or "rather"\
  576. kleenex#t>use "tissue"\
  577. knots per hour#u>knots
  578. large in size#r>large
  579. last but not least#h>"last" or "finally"
  580. later on#l>later\
  581. lay#m>"lay a bet," "I lay down before" O.K., but use "lie down now"
  582. lays#m>transitive O.K. ("lays bets") but intransitive is "lies down"
  583. leav* out of consideration#o>use "disregard"
  584. lend* a helping hand#h>use "help"
  585. less#m>use "less" for nonnumerical quantity, "fewer" for number\
  586. liable to#u>likely to\
  587. link* up#r>omit "up"\
  588. literally#m>this means "word for word," not "actually"\
  589. loaned#u>prefer "lent"\
  590. loaning#u>prefer "lending"\
  591. los* out on#h>omit "out on"
  592. lots of#i>"many" or "much"\
  593. made * adjustment#l>use "adjusted"\
  594. made a study of#l>studied
  595. made adjustments#l>adjusted\
  596. made an approximation#l>approximated
  597. made an examination#l>examined
  598. made contact with#h>"met," or "saw" or "seen"
  599. made mention of#u>mentioned
  600. made the acquaintance of#o>met
  601. main essentials#r>essentials
  602. major miracle#l>miracle
  603. mak* * adjustment#l>use "adjust"\
  604. mak* a study of#l>use the active voice (e.g., "study")
  605. mak* adjustments#l>use "adjust"\
  606. mak* an approximation#l>use "approximate"
  607. mak* an examination#l>use "examine"
  608. mak* contact with#h>use "meet" or "see"\
  609. mak* mention of#u>use "mention"
  610. mak* the acquaintance of#o>use "meet"
  611. marked contrast#h>contrast
  612. materialize#o>use "happen" or "occur," if that's what you mean
  613. materialized#o>use "happened" or "occurred," if that's what you mean
  614. materializes#o>use "happens" or "occurs," if that's what you mean
  615. materializing#o>use "happening" or "occurring," if that's what you mean
  616. maximum possible#r>maximum
  617. may or may not#h>may\
  618. meaningful#h>"important" or "significant"\
  619. meet* up with#r>omit "up with"\
  620. melt* down#r>omit "down," unless a nuclear reactor is in trouble\
  621. merg* together#r>omit "together"
  622. met up with#r>omit "up with"\
  623. methodologies#j>"methods" or "procedures"\
  624. methodology#j>"method" or "procedure"\
  625. might of#u>might have
  626. mingl* together#r>omit "together"
  627. minimiz* as far as possible#r>omit "as far as possible"
  628. miss* out on#r>omit "out on"\
  629. mistaken for being#r>mistaken for
  630. mix* together#r>omit "together"
  631. more importantly#u>more important
  632. more preferable#r>preferable
  633. most everybody#i>almost everybody
  634. most perfect#r>use "perfect"
  635. most unique#r>use "unique"
  636. must of#u>must have
  637. mutual cooperation#r>cooperation
  638. namely#o>use "that is" or omit\
  639. naturally#v>use this word sparingly\
  640. necessitate#o>"require" or "make necessary"
  641. necessitated#o>"required" or "made necessary"
  642. necessitates#o>"requires" or "makes necessary"
  643. necessitating#o>"requiring" or "making necessary"
  644. needless to say#h>omit this phrase\
  645. new beginning#r>beginning
  646. nice#h>use this word sparingly\
  647. no body#m>use "nobody" if you mean "no person"
  648. not infrequent#o>"frequent" or "regular"
  649. not infrequently#o>"sometimes" or "often"
  650. not of a high * of accuracy#l>inaccurate
  651. numerous#o>many\
  652. obviously#h>use this word sparingly\
  653. of#9
  654. of a * character#l>shorten, e.g., "act of a hostile character" to "hostile act"\
  655. of a * nature#l>shorten, e.g., "acts of a hostile nature" to "hostile acts"\
  656. of considerable magnitude#o>use "great," "big," or "large"
  657. of extreme importance#o>use "important" or "very important"
  658. of the essence#l>essential
  659. of the opinion that#h>use the active voice (e.g., "think" or "believe")
  660. of the same opinion#h>use "agree"
  661. of who#m>use "of whom" (except, e.g., in "man I'd heard of who knew")
  662. off of#l>off\
  663. on#9
  664. on a few occasions#l>occasionally\
  665. on account of#l>because\
  666. on behalf of#o>use "for" alone or with a verb (e.g., "speaking for")\
  667. on more than one occasion#o>more than once
  668. on the basis of#h>"by," "from," "because," or even "based on"
  669. on the grounds that#l>"since," "because," or "as"\
  670. on the order of#l>"about," "nearly," or "roughly"
  671. on the part of#l>use "by," "of," or "for," if that's what you mean\
  672. one and the same#h>the same
  673. ongoing#o>use "continuing" or "active," or omit
  674. only difference being#l>use "except that"\
  675. onto#9
  676. open* up#l>omit "up"\
  677. optimum#o>"best" or "most favorable"
  678. or otherwise#k>or not
  679. orientate#o>orient
  680. orientated#o>oriented
  681. orientates#o>orients
  682. orientating#o>orienting
  683. over and done with#h>"finished" or "done"
  684. overall#h>"total" or "general"\
  685. parameters#h>use only as a mathematical term\
  686. part and parcel#h>part
  687. past history#r>history
  688. peddle#m>this means "sell" (pejorative); "pedal" means "bicycle"
  689. peddled#m>this means "sold" (pejorative); "pedaled" means "bicycled"
  690. peddles#m>this means "sells" (pejorative); "pedals" means "bicycles"
  691. peddling#m>this means "selling" (pejorative); "pedaling" is "bicycling"
  692. perceptive#h>use "observant," if that's what you mean\
  693. perform#o>use "do" (except for film and stage performers)\
  694. performed#o>use "did" or "done" (except for film and stage performers)\
  695. performing#o>use "doing" (except for film and stage performers)\
  696. performs#o>use "does" (except for film and stage performers)\
  697. personalized#o>avoid this word, or use "personal" if that's what you mean
  698. personally#h>O.K. in "take it personally"; omit in "I personally," etc.\
  699. pertaining to#o>about
  700. pick and choose#r>choose\
  701. picture of health#h>use "healthy"
  702. plan* ahead#r>omit "ahead"\
  703. plan* for the future#r>omit "for the future"
  704. plan* in advance#r>omit "in advance"
  705. possess#o>use "have" or "own," if that's what you mean\
  706. possessed#o>use "had" or "owned," if that's what you mean\
  707. possesses#o>use "has" or "owns," if that's what you mean\
  708. possessing#o>use "having" or "owning," if that's what you mean\
  709. present time#r>use "now" or "the present"\
  710. present* a report#l>omit rest of phrase and use "report" as a verb
  711. presently#m>prefer "now," if that's what you mean
  712. prestigious#o>use "honored," or omit
  713. pretty#v>use to mean "attractive," but omit in, e.g., "pretty good"\
  714. principal#m>this means "main" or "director"; "principle" is "basic rule"
  715. principals#m>this means "school directors"; "principles" are basic rules
  716. principle#m>this means "basic rule"; "principal" is "main" or "director"
  717. principles#m>this means "basic rules"; "principals" are school directors
  718. print it out#l>print it\
  719. prior to#o>before\
  720. prioritize#n>rank
  721. prioritized#n>ranked
  722. prioritizes#n>ranks
  723. prioritizing#n>ranking
  724. procure#o>"get" or "obtain"\
  725. procured#o>"got" or "obtained"\
  726. procures#o>"gets" or "obtains"\
  727. procuring#o>"getting" or "obtaining"\
  728. prolong* the duration of#r>omit "the duration of"
  729. provided that#o>if\
  730. purport* to be#o>use "claim to be"
  731. pursuant to#o>following
  732. quite a lot better#l>much better
  733. quite angry#v>"angry" or "very angry"\
  734. quite bad#v>"bad" or "very bad"\
  735. quite badly#v>"badly" or "very badly"\
  736. quite big#v>big\
  737. quite clear#v>clear\
  738. quite early#v>"early" or "very early"\
  739. quite few#v>few\
  740. quite good#v>"good" or "very good"\
  741. quite helpful#v>"helpful" or "very helpful"\
  742. quite influential#v>influential\
  743. quite interested#v>"interested" or "very interested"\
  744. quite interesting#v>"interesting" or "very interesting"\
  745. quite large#v>large\
  746. quite late#v>"late" or "very late"\
  747. quite like#v>like\
  748. quite little#v>little\
  749. quite long#v>"long" or "very long"\
  750. quite new#v>new\
  751. quite obvious#v>obvious\
  752. quite often#v>often\
  753. quite old#v>old\
  754. quite pleased#v>"pleased" or "very pleased"\
  755. quite recent#v>recent\
  756. quite recently#v>recently\
  757. quite short#v>"short" or "very short"\
  758. quite significant#v>significant\
  759. quite similar#v>similar\
  760. quite small#v>small\
  761. quite special#v>special\
  762. quite technical#v>technical\
  763. quite unique#r>unique
  764. quite unusual#v>"unusual" or "very unusual"\
  765. quite useful#v>"useful" or "very useful"\
  766. quite well#v>"well" or "very well"\
  767. rather angry#v>angry\
  768. rather bad#v>bad\
  769. rather badly#v>badly\
  770. rather big#v>big\
  771. rather clear#v>clear\
  772. rather early#v>early\
  773. rather few#v>few\
  774. rather good#v>good\
  775. rather helpful#v>helpful\
  776. rather high#v>high\
  777. rather influential#v>influential\
  778. rather interested#v>interested\
  779. rather interesting#v>interesting\
  780. rather large#v>large\
  781. rather late#v>late\
  782. rather like#v>like\
  783. rather little#v>little\
  784. rather long#v>long\
  785. rather low#v>low\
  786. rather new#v>new\
  787. rather obvious#v>obvious\
  788. rather often#v>often\
  789. rather old#v>old\
  790. rather pleased#v>pleased\
  791. rather recent#v>recent\
  792. rather recently#v>recently\
  793. rather short#v>short\
  794. rather similar#v>similar\
  795. rather small#v>small\
  796. rather special#v>special\
  797. rather technical#v>technical\
  798. rather unusual#v>unusual\
  799. rather well#v>well\
  800. real bad#u>"bad" or "very bad"\
  801. real badly#u>"badly" or "very badly"\
  802. real disappointed#u>"disappointed" or "very disappointed"\
  803. real glad#u>"glad" or "very glad"\
  804. real good#u>"good" or "very good"\
  805. real happy#u>"happy" or "very happy"\
  806. real lucky#u>"lucky" or "very lucky"\
  807. real sad#u>"sad" or "very sad"\
  808. real sorry#u>"sorry" or "very sorry"\
  809. really#v>use this word sparingly\
  810. reason is because#r>reason is that
  811. reason was because#r>reason was that
  812. reason why#r>"reason" or "reason that"\
  813. reasons are because#r>reasons are that
  814. reasons why#r>"reasons" or "reasons that"\
  815. recur* again#r>omit "again"
  816. refer* back#l>omit "back"
  817. refer* to as#o>use "call"
  818. reinitiate#o>begin again
  819. reinitiated#o>"began again" or "begun again"
  820. reinitiates#o>begins again
  821. reinitiating#o>beginning again
  822. relate* to#m>do not use to suggest rapport: "I relate well to Janet"\
  823. relative to#o>"compared with" or "pertaining to"
  824. relatively#v>use "very" or "not very," or omit\
  825. repeat* again#r>omit "again"
  826. representative of#l>use the active voice (e.g., "represents")\
  827. reside#o>"live" or "stay"\
  828. resided#o>"lived" or "stayed"\
  829. resides#o>"lives" or "stays"\
  830. residing#o>"living" or "staying"\
  831. resumed again#r>omit "again"
  832. return* again#r>omit "again"
  833. revert* back#r>omit "back"
  834. second to none#h>use "first" or "best"
  835. secondly#o>prefer "second"\
  836. seldom ever#r>seldom
  837. sen* a communication to#o>use "write" or "notify"
  838. should of#u>should have
  839. similar with#u>similar to
  840. single unit#r>unit
  841. situation#h>use this sparingly: try to find a more concrete word\
  842. small in size#r>small
  843. some body#m>use "somebody" if you mean "some person"
  844. sort of#v>use this to mean "type of," but not "rather" or "somewhat"\
  845. spell* out#h>use "explain," if that's what you mean\
  846. st* out like a sore thumb#h>omit "like a sore thumb"
  847. stationary#m>this is "fixed," "static"; "stationery" is writing materials
  848. stationery#m>this is writing materials; "stationary" is "fixed," "static"
  849. stick* to * guns#h>use "persevere" or "persist"
  850. still continue#r>continue
  851. still continued#r>continued
  852. still continues#r>continues
  853. still continuing#r>continuing
  854. still remain#r>remain
  855. still remained#r>remained
  856. still remaining#r>remaining
  857. still remains#r>remains
  858. stress* the point that#l>omit "the point"\
  859. stretch* the truth#h>use "exaggerate" or "lie"
  860. student body#k>use "students"\
  861. subsequent#o>"next" or "later"\
  862. succeed* in doing#l>use only "do" or "accomplish"
  863. surrounding circumstances#r>circumstances
  864. syndrome#h>use sparingly, except as a medical term\
  865. tak* appropriate action#h>use "act," or rewrite sentence to omit the phrase
  866. tak* appropriate measures#h>use "act," or rewrite sentence to omit the phrase
  867. tak* cognizance of#o>use "note" or "notice"
  868. tak* into consideration#o>use "consider"\
  869. termed as#u>termed
  870. terminate#o>"end" or "fire"\
  871. terminated#o>"ended" or "fired"\
  872. terminates#o>"ends" or "fires"\
  873. terminating#o>"ending" or "firing"\
  874. termination#o>"end," or "discharge" or "firing"\
  875. the above-mentioned#k>use "the," "this," "that," "those," or "as mentioned above"\
  876. the aforementioned#k>use "the," "this," "that," "those," or "as mentioned above"\
  877. the aforesaid#k>use "the," "this," "that," "those," or "as mentioned above"\
  878. the bitter end#h>omit "bitter"
  879. the majority of#o>"most" or "most of"\
  880. the truth is#h>omit this phrase (it often sounds insincere)\
  881. their are#s>there are
  882. their can#s>there could
  883. their could#s>there could
  884. their is#s>there is
  885. their just deserts#h>use "what they deserved" or "what they deserve"
  886. their may#s>there may
  887. their should#s>there should
  888. their would#s>there would
  889. there are not many#l>use "few"\
  890. there fore#s>therefore
  891. thirdly#o>prefer "third"\
  892. this day and age#h>use "today" or "now"
  893. this months#s>this month's
  894. this weeks#s>this week's
  895. this years#s>this year's
  896. through the medium of#h>through
  897. through the use of#l>use "by" or "by using," or "with"\
  898. throughout the entire#r>use "throughout" or "in the entire"
  899. thusly#u>thus
  900. time interval#r>"interval" or "time"
  901. to#9
  902. to * be#x>think twice before splitting an infinitive\
  903. to * call#x>think twice before splitting an infinitive\
  904. to * do#x>think twice before splitting an infinitive\
  905. to * get#x>think twice before splitting an infinitive\
  906. to * have#x>think twice before splitting an infinitive\
  907. to * let#x>think twice before splitting an infinitive\
  908. to * make#x>think twice before splitting an infinitive\
  909. to * see#x>think twice before splitting an infinitive\
  910. to * send#x>think twice before splitting an infinitive\
  911. to * thank#x>think twice before splitting an infinitive\
  912. to all intents and purposes#h>use "virtually" or "for all practical purposes"
  913. to loan#u>prefer "to lend"\
  914. to myself#u>to me
  915. to who#m>use "to whom" (except, e.g., in "woman I spoke to who knew")
  916. took appropriate action#h>use "acted," or rewrite sentence to omit the phrase
  917. took appropriate measures#h>use "acted," or rewrite sentence to omit the phrase
  918. took cognizance of#o>"noted" or "noticed"
  919. took into consideration#o>considered\
  920. tortuous#m>this means "winding" or "twisting"; "torturous" is "painful"
  921. torturous#m>this means "painful"; "tortuous" is "winding" or "twisting"
  922. totally perfect#r>perfect
  923. totally unique#r>unique
  924. toward#9
  925. transpire#m>this means "become known," not "happen" or "occur"\
  926. transpired#m>this means "became known," not "happened" or "occurred"\
  927. transpires#m>this means "becomes known," not "happens" or "occurs"\
  928. transpiring#m>this means "becoming known," not "happening" or "occurring"\
  929. traumatic#h>use sparingly, except as a medical term\
  930. tried and true#h>"true" or "dependable"
  931. tries and#u>tries to
  932. true facts#r>facts
  933. try and#i>use "try to" in formal prose\
  934. typically#v>use this word sparingly\
  935. ultimate#o>"last" or "final"\
  936. under#9
  937. under separate cover#j>use "separately" or, e.g., "in a separate letter"\
  938. under the necessity#o>use "have to" or "must"
  939. underlying purpose#h>purpose
  940. undert* a study of#o>use "study"
  941. uniformly consistent#r>"consistent" or "uniform"
  942. until such time as#o>until
  943. upon#9
  944. utilize#o>prefer "use"\
  945. utilized#o>prefer "used"\
  946. utilizes#o>prefer "uses"\
  947. utilizing#o>prefer "using"\
  948. vanish* into thin air#h>omit "into thin air"
  949. verbal#m>avoid ambiguity: if you want to exclude writing, use "oral"\
  950. very best#r>best\
  951. very complete#r>complete
  952. very end#h>end
  953. very finest#r>finest\
  954. very real#l>use "real" or rewrite to omit; avoid "in a very real sense"\
  955. very unique#r>unique
  956. very worst#r>worst\
  957. viable#o>O.K. in "viable seed" but not if you mean "practicable"\
  958. vital#h>use "important," if that's what you mean\
  959. wait on#i>use "wait for"
  960. was *d#w
  961. was *d#8
  962. was not *d#w
  963. was not *d#8
  964. wasn't *d#w
  965. wasn't *d#8
  966. weaker sex#h>use "women"
  967. were *d#w
  968. were *d#8
  969. were not *d#w
  970. were not *d#8
  971. weren't *d#w
  972. weren't *d#8
  973. when ever#s>whenever
  974. whether or not#l>omit "or not" if your meaning is "if"\
  975. whose in charge#s>who's in charge
  976. with#9
  977. with out#s>without
  978. with reference to#o>"about" or "concerning"
  979. with regard to#o>"about" or "concerning"
  980. with respect to#o>"about" or "concerning"
  981. with the exception of#l>except for\
  982. with the object of#o>use "trying to"
  983. with the result that#l>so that
  984. with this in mind#h>use "therefore," if that's what you mean\
  985. with who#m>use "with whom" (except, e.g., in "man I ate with who said")
  986. within the realm of possibility#h>"possible" or "possibly"
  987. without#9
  988. would of#u>would have
  989. xerox#t>use "photocopy"\